Paradigm Pitching
Proper pitching mechanics to improve the way you throw.
The Paradigm Pitcher
How the Animation was Made
How The Program Works
Set Position
Leg Lift Position
Hand Break Position
Load/Hinge Position
Drive Position
Front Foot Plant Position
Throw Position
Ball Release Position
Follow Through Position
Warm Up
P1 Leg Lift Drift
P1 Supported Leg Lift Drift
P2 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge
P2 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge with CR
P2 Supported Leg Lift Drift to Hinge
P2 Lateral Hinge with T Spine Rotation
P2 Lateral Max Depth Hinge
P3 Rotational Knee Slam
P3 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge to IR
P3 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge with CR to IR
P3 Hand Hold Hinge with IR to T Spine Extension
P4 Split Stance T Spine Rotation
P4 Hand Hold Hip IR
P4 Hip Swivel
P4 Band Pec Separation
P4 Lateral Hinge With Hip Flexor Extension
P5 Supported Hold TKE
P1 Leg Lift Momentum Slide
P2 Wide Stance Broad Jump
P2 Wide Stance Vertical Jump
P2 Heavy Med Ball Hinge Toss Up
P2 Lateral Hinge Foot Stomp
P2 Hinge Hop
P2 Lateral Hinge Bound With Pause
P2 Lateral Hinge Bound
P3 Banded Lateral Drive
P3 Vertical Jump
P3 Broad Jump
P3 Lateral Hinge Foot Stomp to IR
P3 Lateral Hinge Bound to IR
P4 Dowel Split Stance Rotation
P5 Band TKE
P5 Double Band TKE
P5 Banded Front Leg Rotation
P1 Lateral Shuffle Throw
P1 Switch Foot Drop Hinge Throw
P1 Wide Stretch Throw
P2 Hinge Stomp Throw
P2 Lateral Bound Hinge Hop Throw
P2 Hinge Hop Throw
P3 Hinge Drive Throw
P3 Lateral Hinge Bound Throw
P3 Depth Drop Hinge Throw
P4 Split Stance Throw
P4 Hinge 90 Degree Front Leg Throw
P5 Front Leg Chop Throw
P5 90 Degree Front Leg Chop
P5 Front Leg Split Stance Scoop
P5 Split Stance Overhead Slam
P5 Hinge Over The Top Slam
P5 Overhead Front Leg Throw
P5 Overhead Front Leg Throw With Momentum
P1 Lateral Shuffle Throw
P1 Switch Foot Drop Hinge Throw
P1 Wide Stretch Throw
P2 Hinge Stomp Throw
P2 Lateral Bound Hinge Hop Throw
P2 Hinge Hop Throw
P3 Hinge Drive Throw
P3 Lateral Hinge Bound Throw
P3 Depth Drop Hinge Throw
P4 Split Stance Throw
P4 Split Stance Throw With Momentum
P5 Overhead Front Leg Throw
Overhead Front Leg Throw With Momentum
P1 Lateral Shuffle Throw
P1 Switch Foot Drop Hinge Throw
P1 Wide Stretch Throw
P2 Hinge Stomp Throw
P2 Lateral Bound Hinge Hop Throw
P2 Hinge Hop Throw
P3 Hinge Drive Throw
P3 Lateral Hinge Bound Throw
P3 Depth Drop Hinge Throw
P4 Opposite Leg Split Stance Throw
P4 Split Stance Throw
P4 Split Stance Throw With Momentum
P5 Forward Split Stance Throw
P5 Forward Split Stance Throw With Momentum
P1 Wide Stance Bent Over Reach
P2 Half Kneeling Lateral Hinge
P2 Hips Open Hamstring With Side Bend
P2 Hips Open Hamstring With Rotation
P2 Toe Hold Sumo Squat
P3 90/90 Hip Rotation
P3 90/90 Hip Rotation With Extension
P3 Supine Hip IR
P4 Bretzel
P4 Hand Hold Split Stance Rotation
P4 Hip Flexor Stretch
P4 Hip Flexor Stretch With Rotation
P4 Hip Flexor Stretch With Foot Hold
P4 Scorpion
P5 Figure 4 Hamstring Stretch
P5 Half Split Hamstring Stretch
P5 Hips Open Hamstring Stretch
Banded Shoulder Distraction
Banded Lat Stretch
Banded Pec/Chest Stretch
Banded Wrist Distraction
Banded Bent Over Reach
Banded Scap Pinch
TRX Angels
Dowel Lat Stretch
Arm Path Circles
Arm Path Figure 8
Split Stance Arm Path Figure 8 Throw
Split Stance Finish Throw
Pitches Design/Analytics 101
Off Season Throwing Program