Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome

    • The Paradigm Pitcher

    • How the Animation was Made

    • How The Program Works

    • Equipment

  2. 2
    • Set Position

    • Leg Lift Position

    • Hand Break Position

  3. 3
    • Load/Hinge Position

  4. 4
    • Drive Position

  5. 5
    • Front Foot Plant Position

  6. 6
    • Throw Position

    • Ball Release Position

    • Follow Through Position

  7. 7
    • Warm Up

  8. 8
    • P1 Leg Lift Drift

    • P1 Supported Leg Lift Drift

    • P2 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge

    • P2 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge with CR

    • P2 Supported Leg Lift Drift to Hinge

    • P2 Lateral Hinge with T Spine Rotation

    • P2 Lateral Max Depth Hinge

    • P3 Rotational Knee Slam

    • P3 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge to IR

    • P3 Leg Lift Drift to Hinge with CR to IR

    • P3 Hand Hold Hinge with IR to T Spine Extension

    • P4 Split Stance T Spine Rotation

    • P4 Hand Hold Hip IR

    • P4 Hip Swivel

    • P4 Band Pec Separation

    • P4 Lateral Hinge With Hip Flexor Extension

    • P5 Supported Hold TKE

  9. 9
    • P1 Leg Lift Momentum Slide

    • P2 Wide Stance Broad Jump

    • P2 Wide Stance Vertical Jump

    • P2 Heavy Med Ball Hinge Toss Up

    • P2 Lateral Hinge Foot Stomp

    • P2 Hinge Hop

    • P2 Lateral Hinge Bound With Pause

    • P2 Lateral Hinge Bound

    • P3 Banded Lateral Drive

    • P3 Vertical Jump

    • P3 Broad Jump

    • P3 Lateral Hinge Foot Stomp to IR

    • P3 Lateral Hinge Bound to IR

    • P4 Dowel Split Stance Rotation

    • P5 Band TKE

    • P5 Double Band TKE

    • P5 Banded Front Leg Rotation

  10. 10
    • P1 Lateral Shuffle Throw

    • P1 Switch Foot Drop Hinge Throw

    • P1 Wide Stretch Throw

    • P2 Hinge Stomp Throw

    • P2 Lateral Bound Hinge Hop Throw

    • P2 Hinge Hop Throw

    • P3 Hinge Drive Throw

    • P3 Lateral Hinge Bound Throw

    • P3 Depth Drop Hinge Throw

    • P4 Split Stance Throw

    • P4 Hinge 90 Degree Front Leg Throw

    • P5 Front Leg Chop Throw

    • P5 90 Degree Front Leg Chop

    • P5 Front Leg Split Stance Scoop

    • P5 Split Stance Overhead Slam

    • P5 Hinge Over The Top Slam

    • P5 Overhead Front Leg Throw

    • P5 Overhead Front Leg Throw With Momentum

  11. 11
    • P1 Lateral Shuffle Throw

    • P1 Switch Foot Drop Hinge Throw

    • P1 Wide Stretch Throw

    • P2 Hinge Stomp Throw

    • P2 Lateral Bound Hinge Hop Throw

    • P2 Hinge Hop Throw

    • P3 Hinge Drive Throw

    • P3 Lateral Hinge Bound Throw

    • P3 Depth Drop Hinge Throw

    • P4 Split Stance Throw

    • P4 Split Stance Throw With Momentum

    • P5 Overhead Front Leg Throw

    • Overhead Front Leg Throw With Momentum

  12. 12
    • P1 Lateral Shuffle Throw

    • P1 Switch Foot Drop Hinge Throw

    • P1 Wide Stretch Throw

    • P2 Hinge Stomp Throw

    • P2 Lateral Bound Hinge Hop Throw

    • P2 Hinge Hop Throw

    • P3 Hinge Drive Throw

    • P3 Lateral Hinge Bound Throw

    • P3 Depth Drop Hinge Throw

    • P4 Opposite Leg Split Stance Throw

    • P4 Split Stance Throw

    • P4 Split Stance Throw With Momentum

    • P5 Forward Split Stance Throw

    • P5 Forward Split Stance Throw With Momentum

  13. 13
    • P1 Wide Stance Bent Over Reach

    • P2 Half Kneeling Lateral Hinge

    • P2 Hips Open Hamstring With Side Bend

    • P2 Hips Open Hamstring With Rotation

    • P2 Toe Hold Sumo Squat

    • P3 90/90 Hip Rotation

    • P3 90/90 Hip Rotation With Extension

    • P3 Supine Hip IR

    • P4 Bretzel

    • P4 Hand Hold Split Stance Rotation

    • P4 Hip Flexor Stretch

    • P4 Hip Flexor Stretch With Rotation

    • P4 Hip Flexor Stretch With Foot Hold

    • P4 Scorpion

    • P5 Figure 4 Hamstring Stretch

    • P5 Half Split Hamstring Stretch

    • P5 Hips Open Hamstring Stretch

  14. 14
    • Banded Shoulder Distraction

    • Banded Lat Stretch

    • Banded Pec/Chest Stretch

    • Banded Wrist Distraction

    • Banded Bent Over Reach

    • Banded Scap Pinch

    • TRX Angels

    • Dowel Lat Stretch

  15. 15
    • Arm Path Circles

    • Arm Path Figure 8

    • Split Stance Arm Path Figure 8 Throw

    • Split Stance Finish Throw

  16. 16
    • Pitches Design/Analytics 101

    • Off Season Throwing Program